Have You Claimed Your $10,000 Government Home Buyer’s Cheque Yet?
(Toronto, Ontario) Recently, the Bradley family of Mississauga* received a cheque from Ottawa for over $10,000 to help them buy their first home. Amazing? Yes, yet that much and more could be waiting for you too. Like many, they had been totally unaware of a federal government plan available to help today’s Canadian families to enjoy the many benefits of home ownership. Although this plan is available to virtually all first-time… and some second-time buyers, it is a shame that few seem to find out about it until it is too late to use it. As a result, literally millions of dollars lie unclaimed in Ottawa… available for the asking.
Lucky for the Bradleys, they learned how to receive their fair share of those funds when a friend invited them to attend a FREE Home Buyer Class. They also discovered the truth about HIDDEN closing costs and how to avoid them. That knowledge alone saved them thousands of dollars when they bought their home.
Title Fraud Worries Home Owners
Have you heard about title fraud? It is a sad fact that since the inception of computerized title registration, literally hundreds of Canadian families have tragically had their homes stolen out from under them… without their knowledge. To get their title back, they have to undergo expensive court battles and spend thousands of dollars in legal fees. The Bradleys won’t have that worry, however, since the FREE Buyer Class they attended taught them how to protect themselves against such fraud for as long as they own their new home… and all for a small, one-time fee that saved them more than it cost.
Before you make another rent payment, you deserve to learn:
1. How you may access up to $10,000 or more from Ottawa.
2. How to avoid HIDDEN closing costs.
3. How to buy the home of your dreams with little or no down payment and put money in your pocket.
4. How to avoid the 7 NASTY TRAPS lying in wait for today’s home buyers.
5. How to buy the home of your dreams for LESS than rent.
6. How to protect yourself against TITLE FRAUD for as long as you own your house.
Go online to TheBuyerClass.com and register today for the next class available, or call (647-526-0332). Current classes available:
1. Thursday, April 10th (7 to 9 p.m.)
2. Tuesday, April 15th (7 to 9 p.m.)
3. Saturday, April 26th (10 a.m. to 12 noon)
Class are held in the conference room at The Mortgage Centre, Suite 301, 2550 South Gateway Rd., Mississauga.
Classes limited to the first 35 attendees. Register today to avoid disappointment.
(*The Bradleys are real people. Name changed to protect privacy.)